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Navegando por Autor Pimenta, Paulo Henrique Neves

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Data de publicaçãoData de defesaTítuloAutor(es)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es)
15-Mai-2024-Magnetic field effects on the surfactant concentration over ferrofluid droplet surfaces in shear flowsPimenta, Paulo Henrique Neves; Rebouças, Rodrigo B.; Oliveira, Taygoara Felamingo de--
4-Out-202319-Jan-2023Rheology and magnetization of dilute emulsions of surfactant-covered ferrofluid dropletsPimenta, Paulo Henrique NevesOliveira, Taygoara Felamingo de-
Out-2021-Study on the rheology of a dilute emulsion of surfactant-covered droplets using the level set and closest point methodsPimenta, Paulo Henrique Neves; Oliveira, Taygoara Felamingo de--