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Title: Investigating citizens’ information needs through participative research : a pilot study in Candangolandia, Brazil
Authors: Costa, Sely Maria de Souza
Tavares, Rosemeire Barbosa
Hepworth, Mark
Assunto:: Necessidade informacional
Comportamento informacional
Letramento informacional
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Sage Journals
Citation: TAVARES, Rosemeire Barbosa; HEPWORTH, Mark; COSTA, Sely Maria de Souza. Investigating citizens' information needs through participative research: a pilot study in Candangolandia, Brazil. Information Development, v. 27, n. 2, p. 125-138, 2011.
Abstract: This paper reports on a pilot investigation in Candangolandia, near Brasilia, in Brazil in 2010. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the efficacy of a participative research methodology for investigating: people’s information needs; developing an information literate approach to problem solving; fostering problem solving and collaborative capabilities and enhancing a sense of citizenship. The research applied techniques that enabled people to collaborate and identify their information needs, as well as information solutions, through the exploration of a social problem that they had identified. Participatory Research and Action (PRA) was the chosen methodology. Nineteen techniques were applied. The findings indicated that it was possible to use PRA to explore information needs. Participants were able to identify, classify and prioritize information needs and use information in order to suggest solutions for the selected social problem. The intervention helped develop collaborative problem solving skills and a heightened sense of citizenship.
metadata.dc.description.unidade: Faculdade de Ciência da Informação (FCI)
Licença:: Os autores podem disponibilizar seus artigos em acesso aberto, arquivando, sem custo em um Repositório Institucional. Os autores que tiverem publicado em um periódico podem fazer isso pelo depósito da versão do artigo aceito para publicação (versão 2) no repositório da sua própria instituição.
Appears in Collections:Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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