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Titre: Liposomal photosensitizers : potential platforms for anticancer photodynamic therapy
Auteur(s): Muehlmann, Luis Alexandre
Joanitti, Graziella Anselmo
Silva, Jaqueline Rodrigues da
Longo, João Paulo Figueiró
Azevedo, Ricardo Bentes de
Assunto:: Terapia fotodinâmica
Terapia antineoplásica
Date de publication: 2011
Editeur: Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica
Référence bibliographique: MUEHLMANN, L. A. et al. Liposomal photosensitizers: potential platforms for anticancer photodynamic therapy. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research [online], v. 44, n. 8, p. 729-737, 2011. DOI: Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jun. 2021.
Résumé: Photodynamic therapy is a well-established and clinically approved treatment for several types of cancer. Antineoplastic photodynamic therapy is based on photosensitizers, i.e., drugs that absorb photons translating light energy into a chemical potential that damages tumor tissues. Despite the encouraging clinical results with the approved photosensitizers available today, the prolonged skin phototoxicity, poor selectivity for diseased tissues, hydrophobic nature, and extended retention in the host organism shown by these drugs have stimulated researchers to develop new formulations for photodynamic therapy. In this context, due to their amphiphilic characteristic (compatibility with both hydrophobic and hydrophilic substances), liposomes have proven to be suitable carriers for photosensitizers, improving the photophysical properties of the photosensitizers. Moreover, as nanostructured drug delivery systems, liposomes improve the efficiency and safety of antineoplastic photodynamic therapy, mainly by the classical phenomenon of extended permeation and retention. Therefore, the association of photosensitizers with liposomes has been extensively studied. In this review, both current knowledge and future perspectives on liposomal carriers for antineoplastic photodynamic therapy are critically discussed.
Licença:: (CC BY NC) All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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