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Título : Hydrogeophysical characterization of fractured aquifers for groundwater exploration in the Federal District of Brazil
Autor : Hussain, Yawar
Campos, José Eloi Guimarães
Borges, Welitom Rodrigues
Uagoda, Rogério Elias Soares
Hamza, Omar
Havenith, Hans-Balder
Assunto:: Dipolo-dipolo
Fraturas (Geologia)
Distrito Federal (Brasil)
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Editorial : MDPI
Citación : HUSSAIN, Yawar et al. Hydrogeophysical Characterization of Fractured Aquifers for Groundwater Exploration in the Federal District of Brazil. Applied Sciences, v. 12, n. 5, 2509, 2022. DOI: Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 maio 2022.
Abstract: The present study applies a geophysical approach to the Federal district of Brazil, a challenging hydrogeologic setting that requires improved investigation to enhance groundwater prospecting to meet the rising water demand. The geophysical characterization of a complex hard-rock aquifer sub-system was conducted using direct current (DC) electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) integrated with surface geological information. With a total of twenty-seven ERT profiles, the resistivity acquisition was carried out using a dipole-dipole array of electrodes with an inter-electrode spacing of 10 m. Based on resistivity ranges, the interpretation of the inverted resistivity values indicated a ground profile consisting of upper dry soil, saprolite, weathered, and fresh bedrock. Along with this layered subsurface stratigraphy, the approach allowed us to map the presence of significant hydrogeological features sharp contrasting anomalies that may suggest structural controls separating high-resistivity (≥7000 Ω m) and low-resistivity (<7000 Ω m) conducting zones in the uppermost 10 m of the ground. The assumed impacts of these features on groundwater development are discussed in light of the Brasilia aquifer settings.
Licença:: (CC BY)
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