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Título: Quality of life and social vulnerability of older adults in the urban community : a cross-sectional study
Autor(es): Ferreira, Luana de Castro
Araújo, Mayssa da Conceição
Tavares, Darlene Mara dos Santos
Bolina, Alisson Fernandes
Afiliação do autor: University of Brasília, Department of Nursing
University of Brasília, Department of Nursing
Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro
University of Brasília, Department of Nursing
Assunto: Idosos
Vulnerabilidade social
Envelhecimento - aspectos socioeconômicos
Idosos - saúde
Idosos - qualidade de vida
Data de publicação: 2022
Editora: Elsevier Inc.
Referência: FERREIRA, Luana de Castro et al. Quality of life and social vulnerability of older adults in the urban community: a cross-sectional study. Geriatric Nursing, v. 46, p. 46-51, jul/ago.2022. DOI:
Abstract: We aimed to investigate the association between social vulnerability and the quality of life of older adults. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 805 older adults. Quality of life was measured using the WHOQOL BREF and WHOQOLOLD instruments. Moreover, the older adults were evaluated according to the level of social vulnerability of the sector they live in. We found that older adults living with medium and high/very high social vulnerability had lower quality of life scores in the social relationships domain and the sensory skills facet compared to those with low social vulnerability. Those who lived in medium social vulnerability sectors had lower scores in the physical domain and in the past, present, and future activities facet. Translat ing these results into older adult care practice is in line with the new health paradigms that aim to overcome the current biological model of health care an moves toward the active aging approach.
Unidade Acadêmica: Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde (FS)
Departamento de Enfermagem (FS ENF)
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